About The Project

By Dale Rieger

As members of Cheboygan’s Parks and Recreation Commission, we were approached by locals urging that the city build a dog park. Over time, the requests multiplied. Based on observation and research, these facts emerged:

  • Many of our citizens would welcome an opportunity for their pets to get the physical and intellectual stimulation a dog park would make possible.
  • Some of these citizens were driving to other communities to use their dog parks. As a result they were often shopping, eating, and buying gas in places other than Cheboygan.
  • Visitors to our town, staying in our motels and b&bs, inquired about and would appreciate the availability of a dog park. 
  • The presence of a dog park is a significant quality of life factor for the 25-35 year olds that our town needs to attract. 
  • Given the host of demands on the city budget, having a dog park paid for with tax dollars seemed to be out-of-bounds.

Thanks largely to County Supervisor Jeff Lawson, almost an acre of property in the northeast corner of the Cheboygan Fair Grounds (on the south side of Lincoln Street) has been made available for the potential construction of a dog park. A committee of volunteers has worked hard to gather information and formulate this plan for making the dog park a reality. 

Step 1

Conduct a pledge drive, with the goal of $35,000. These will be pledges, not donations: no money will need to be donated at this time. 

Step 2

Based on the pledged amount, apply for an MEDC matching fund grant from the State of Michigan.

Step 3

If the grant is awarded, conduct the actual drive, with donations made to a separate account with our fiduciary. 

Step 4

With materials purchased, begin construction of the dog park.

We will be providing more information and flyers that will explain how supporters of the dog park can make pledges. Whether or not you plan to participate, please share this information so word can be spread.